Film Nights
The Road Forward
The Road Forward, a musical documentary by Marie Clements was shown in March 2019. This film connects a pivotal moment in Canada’s civil rights history—the beginnings of Indian Nationalism in the 1930s—with the powerful momentum of First Nations activism today. There were two film viewings: one for School District 46 students and one for the general public . Two Elders, Maurice and Delhia who acted in the film, join us for each viewing.
The Road Forward
The Road Forward, a musical documentary by Marie Clements was shown in March 2019. This film connects a pivotal moment in Canada’s civil rights history—the beginnings of Indian Nationalism in the 1930s—with the powerful momentum of First Nations activism today. There were two film viewings: one for School District 46 students and one for the general public . Two Elders, Maurice and Delhia who acted in the film, join us for each viewing.
Ladies of the Inlet
Ladies of the Inlet the acclaimed film by Annie Frazier Henry was shown on November 7, 2019 to Nation members. This film completed in 1995 document a journey by sea with the six oldest women of the shishalh Nation to their majestic homelands located up Jervis Inlet of BC
This film was very important to the Nation members, many of the ones filmed or helping the Elders during filming attended. Elders participating in the film were remembered. Families of Five Elders who journeyed this year were honoured.

Ladies of the Inlet
Ladies of the Inlet the acclaimed film by Annie Frazier Henry was shown on November 7, 2019 to Nation members. This film completed in 1995 document a journey by sea with the six oldest women of the shishalh Nation to their majestic homelands located up Jervis Inlet of BC
This film was very important to the Nation members, many of the ones filmed or helping the Elders during filming attended. Elders participating in the film were remembered. Families of Five Elders who journeyed this year were honoured.

The Road Forward
The Road Forward, a musical documentary by Marie Clements was shown in March 2019. This film connects a pivotal moment in Canada’s civil rights history—the beginnings of Indian Nationalism in the 1930s—with the powerful momentum of First Nations activism today. There were two film viewings: one for School District 46 students and one for the general public . Two Elders, Maurice and Delhia who acted in the film, join us for each viewing.

Ladies of the Inlet
Ladies of the Inlet the acclaimed film by Annie Frazier Henry was shown on November 7, 2019 to Nation members. This film completed in 1995 document a journey by sea with the six oldest women of the shishalh Nation to their majestic homelands located up Jervis Inlet of BC
This film was very important to the Nation members, many of the ones filmed or helping the Elders during filming attended. Elders participating in the film were remembered. Families of Five Elders who journeyed this year were honoured.