Exploring Reconciliation: Events and Activities
(September 2018 – December 2019+)
This project involved a series of workshops, dialogue circles and public events under the umbrella of “Exploring Reconciliation.” We hosted public talks and KAIROS Blanket Exercises at the Sechelt Public Library with turnouts of approximately 30-60 people each. We also organized public screenings followed by discussion circles of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network miniseries “First Contact”. These screenings had at between 30-50 people at each event, including strong representation from shishalh Nation.
In 2019, we continued with a public screening of the musical documentary The Road Forward, a series of workshops in the shishalh Longhouse, and other events based on requests from community organizations.
Our 2018 events were co-sponsored by the Sechelt Public Library and funded by Friends of the Sechelt Library. Our 2019 cultural workshops and screening involved a partnership with shishalh Nation, School District 46, and Vancity.