Our process

The Movement is guided by the sk’ak’ts’itawilh (people working together) Committee comprised of equal representation of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.  The Committee has three main objectives: to create a grounded vision for how and where to focus energies  to...

Our purpose

Our purposeThe syiyaya Reconciliation Movement is a local initiative welcoming all people living on the shishalh swiya (homelands) to come together to work together as one for healing of the intergenerational harm done to First People by Canada’s history of cultural...


Ɂimash Ɂimash e te syiyaya Welcome to syiyaya Reconciliation Movement  'Family and friends' Reconciliation Movement “It may take a million steps to reach reconciliation between our peoples in the shishalh swiya, and right now, we may only be on step 500 5000… but...

We honour with deep gratitude that syiyaya’s logo was designed by shishalh artist Candace Campo.

The syiyaya Reconciliation Movement is honoured to be welcomed on the traditional and unceded swiya (homeland) of the shishalh people.
We endeavour to respond to this welcome with deep humility, gratitude and respect.

© 2023 syiyaya Reconciliation Movement. All rights reserved.